Launchbot, the start-page project that my personal portal is based on, recently released version 3. This release includes a settings page, so that sites can be added without editing the source, a feature that was sorely lacking in v1.

However I've forked and modified the original project substantially so it would not be a straightforward rebase and merge. Also v3 has moved from a very simple project structure to an NPM/Webpack setup, something that I did not want in my version. For such a small project it seems like overkill and I like that I can pull my existing code repo and update anywhere without an npm install.

Rather than pull and merge v3 then, I opted to backport the settings feature by hand. It's quite a simple feature that could be brought in in one additional HTML and counterpart javascript file. I also added a bit of code to support my custom icon enhancement and presto, I am now able to add sites and icons without modifying the source.

Portal settings page with drag-drop or file-browser icon upload

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