Sadly I've decided to give it a miss this year. I registered for my tickets early and was still dithering over my itinerary for the talks right up to last night - there are a lot of interesting speakers to choose between. However with an epidemic looking like it's descending on the UK (and especiall...

Back at the Techcrunch Disrupt London conference this year, one of my favourite tech news sites.

I was most interested in the talk on a general purpose API builder, quite close to something I've been working on lately.

Listening to Steve Freeman's talk on using command line tools for data processing. While everyone's trying to re-invent the wheel, often the old UNIX CLI tools are still the best for the job (with a little Python mixed in).

Attending Techcrunch Disrupt London for a couple of days, great fun!

Attending the kx Annual Conference at the K club in Ireland for a couple of days. Fantastic venue to catch up on the latest KDB+ developments.